
SaaS Onboarding Email Blog

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Pipefy Onboarding Email Breakdown


Series Overview

Pipefy is a process management system that offers a free “small team” account. Since there’s no “free trial” time, I captured the emails I received during the first month of being a user.


During that time, Pipefy sent me seven emails.

Day 1: Welcome


Subject Line: ⭐ Welcome to Pipefy!

Sender Name: Team from Pipefy

Send Time: Immediately after signup

Objective/Content: Say hello, create a card

CTA: Create a card


I don’t see emojis in subject lines often from SaaS companies — I like it. It adds a little pizazz to their welcome. The product shot is also nice.

What to learn from it:

  • Go ahead, add the pizazz


This is the first email from Pipefy, and I would’ve liked to have seen a bit about them. Why do they do what they do? Or, at a high level, what will they help me do? I also think there should be more context about what it means to “create a card” and why it matters at this moment.

What to learn from it:

  • Take a second to say hello and who you are before getting down to business

Day 2: Support Contact


Subject Line: Steph Knapp <> Pipefy

Sender Name: Lais Ito

Send Time: Day 2, 11:57 AM CST

Objective/Content: Learn more about the trial user

CTA: Is there a specific challenge you’re looking to solve with Pipefy?


It’s a simple but effective message. It wastes no one's time and works to understand a trial user’s expectations and objectives.

What to learn from it:

  • You don’t necessarily need fancy software or systems to personalize emails or learn about users. Just ask them!


While the company name is very clearly in the subject line, I have a personal preference for keeping the send name consistent. The person’s name does make it feel more 1:1, but I’m more likely to accidentally overlook it if I don’t recognize who its coming from.

Day 6: Introduce the Building Block


Subject Line: ✅ What do you need to work on?

Sender Name: Team from Pipefy

Send Time: Day 6, 4:15 PM CST

Objective/Content: Introduce pipes

CTA: Go to your Pipes


More pizazzy emojis! Even without the checkmark, I like the subject line.

What to learn from it:

  • You may not be able to read minds, but chances are you have some understanding of your audience’s thoughts/feelings/worries/goals. Acknowledge those in the subject line!


I think the body copy in the email is so close but needs to be clarified just a bit. Some slight tweaking in how they introduce the idea of a “Pipe” as well as leaving cards out of it would make it all more clear.

What to learn from it:

  • Your internal is well versed on company lingo and how the product works, but new customers aren’t. Try to be as clear as possible, and focus on one thing at a time

Day 9: Support Contact


Subject Line: Steph Knapp <> Pipefy

Sender Name: Lais Ito

Send Time: Day 9, 10:17 AM CST

Objective/Content: Follow up

CTA: Let me know if you need anything from us.


This is a great personal touch! What’s even better is that Pipefy may or may not have a large support team. To me, this email seems very one on one. However, at its core, it’s really easy to automate. This was also sent as a reply to the Day 2 outreach email — making it easy to see their first attempt.

What to learn from it:

  • It can pay to think small! Whether you’re a one-person shop or a large team, there are ways to send emails that feel very personal

Day 10: Feature Spotlight


Subject Line: 🤔 A card was assigned to you, now what?

Sender Name: Team from Pipefy

Send Time: Day 10, 6:15 PM CST

Objective/Content: Introduce customization features

CTA: Go to Pipefy


I do like animations to show off how a feature works. Seeing it in action often makes it easier to understand. The headline in the email also catches my attention.


What to learn from it:

  • Tell and show a feature


I’m not really seeing the link between the subject line and the email contents. Perhaps I just don’t understand the product, and it’s going over my head? The headline and copy below the animation have some link, but I don’t know how they relate to a card being assigned to me. I suppose the CTA button could have been clearer/ more inspiring considering the line of copy just above it is a bit vague.

What to learn from it:

  • I know it’s hard when everyone around you is familiar with the product, but emails need to be reviewed from a stranger’s perspective. It might make sense to the team, but does it make sense to someone just getting acquainted with using your product?

Day 15: Feature Spotlight


Subject Line: ♥ Use Pipefy with tools you love

Sender Name: Team from Pipefy

Send Time: Day 15, 8:15 PM CST

Objective/Content: Introduce integrations

CTA: My Account


I think there’s so much more value and power in the features Pipefy is presenting than the way they’re being presented. :( Yes, they touch on the benefits a little bit. Cool, Pipefy fits into my work. But WHY is that so useful? How can these capabilities help a user achieve their goals?

What to learn from it:

  • Explore the WHY, not just the WHAT

Day 20: Value Add Content


Subject Line: 💡 Becoming an expert

Sender Name: Team from Pipefy

Send Time: Day 20, 8:15 PM CST

Objective/Content: Link to resources

CTA: Go to your Pipes


A bit too vague, and a bit too passive. I totally understand not wanting to be pushy or over-hyped. But if you’re introducing all of your resources formally for the first time, don’t set them to the side like a sad veggie platter that everyone overlooks on their way to the chips and guac. Highlighting a specific blog and how it relates to user goals or success would have been great here. Or, highlight a really common question you can get answered in the Help Center. They’ve got it, but they ain’t flauntin’ it.

What to learn from it:

  • Be at least a little peacocky. Make the connection between what a person cares about today with what you have living on your site right now. Don’t just set it on the table, tell them how delicious it is and how it’s gonna hit the spot

Day 30: Value Add Content


Subject Line: Webinar Pipefy: Modeling your processes on the platform

Sender Name: Pedro from Pipefy

Send Time: Day 30, 3:54 PM CST

Objective/Content: Promote webinar

CTA: Pick a time


I like when companies present webinars to teach their audience because everyone learns differently. While I may prefer to read an article, it’s possible that another (just as valuable) customer would prefer to watch or listen.

What to learn from it:

  • Meet users where they are — promote content on different channels and across different mediums


I personally think the subject line could be a little more interesting and jazzy, but I may just have a different style than Pipefy’s vibe. What I see as a downside may make their readers giddy with excitement — that’s life, ya know?

What to learn from it:

  • Your vibe attracts your tribe

Series Review

Pipefy has the goods, but they need to inject a little more emotion into their onboarding emails. Not in a dramatic or insincere way, but in a way that helps new users connect the dots between how they want to transform their work and Pipefy’s tools.

Even the most buttoned-up B2B customers have goals and motivations and fears and hopes. I truly believe there are ways to acknowledge and empower those, no matter what the personality or tone of the business is.

Do you have an email series in need of updating? I’m now taking on personalized breakdown projects — send me an email at to learn more about getting a detailed review and improvement notes for your emails.

Ready to create or upgrade your SaaS onboarding email series? Download What to Include in a 14-Day Onboarding Email Series (And When to Send Each Email) here.